10. E. Nombres de 5 i 6 xifres.
Recorda que una vegada que acabis els exercicis clica almenys una vegada al símbol del +
1. Comprensión lectora
Recorda que una vegada que acabis els exercicis clica almenys una vegada al símbol del +
Self-portrait Project1. Good morning!! It's Monday again. This week we are going to work on a mini Project obout yourselves.
Think about the question "Who am I?"(Qui soc jo?) and make a mind map (mapa mental) about you.
It can have information about your age, your physical appearence, personality, family, hobbies, friends, music, food, likes and dislikes...
Here you have an example that can help you. *Copy and complete this mind map about you.

Aquí podeu escriure algún comentari de com us ha anat tornar a treballar amb la Snappet.